jeudi 6 novembre 2008

You know you're a YWAMer when :

I'm sorry if you don't understant, but I have found this on a web site, and all is very true (unless some things, because I'm not american and some idea are "american" like peanut butter, or something else). After only 1 month, I can said a lot are true, or can be true after outreach. Je vous traduit les plus cool!

You know you're a YWAM when...

- You're an expert on the quality of airline travel.
(Quand tu es un expert des voyages aériens)

- You have a time zone map or currency converter in your internet favourites.

- You have friends from or in 29 different countries.
(Quand tu a des amis de 29 pays différents)

- Most of your stories begin with the phrase "when we were in… "
(Quand beaucoup des tes histoires commence pas "Quand on était en ...")

- Your family sends you peanut butter and Kool-Aid for Christmas.

- You watch National Geographic specials and recognize someone.
(Quand tu regarde National Geographic et que tu reconnaît quelqu'un)

- While watching Amazing Race you yell out to the TV “No, that’s the wrong way!”

- When the expiration date is just a guideline
(Quand la date d'expiration et juste une indication)

- You never cease to be amused by acronyms like these:
Young Women After Men
Yes, We Arrange Marriages
Youth With A Meeting
Youth With Out Money
You Will Always Move

- You are quite happy to accept that your future husband/ wife is probably in a different country.
(Quand tu accepte volontier que ta femme/homme soit surment d'un autre pays)

- You need time to "process" everything.

- At the airport you set your bags on the waiting room chair and sit on the floor.

- You're watching the Simpsons, Ned Flanders comes out, and you say “Dean Sherman!”

- You know that "every problem in the world is a problem of relationships. Every relationship problem is from pride. So pride is the cause of every problem in the world" (Dean Sherman)
(Quand tu sais que tous les problèmes du monde sont des problèmes de relations. Que les relations sont des problèmes de fierté. Alors la fierté et la cause de tous les problème du monde)

- You have bathed in a river for a minimum of 5 days straight, and have gone a minimum of 5 days straight without bathing at all!

- Pooing and peeing in a hole doesn't phase you the way it should.

- In any sort of social situation you are no longer ashamed to talk about having diarrhoea. You won't refer to it as an upset stomach, you can call it what it is.

- You can’t afford to be scared of spiders, bugs, rats, etc.
(Quand tu ne peut plus avoir peur des araignées, instectes, rats, etc...)

- If someone mentions a friend or family member that is with YWAM and your ears perk up and you have to immediately ask which base and see if you have met them.

- When the word "flexible" takes on a whole other meaning.
(Quand le mot "flexibilité" prend une toute autre signification)

- You are fully aware that anytime you sit in a vehicle you must sleep because who knows when you will sleep next.
(Qunand a chaque fois que tu est dans une voiture (van) tu profite pour dormir, parce que qui c'est quand tu va pouvoir dormir la prochaine fois)

- You're praying in the airport because someone is having trouble with their passport/visa
(Quand tu prie a l'aéroport parce que quelqu'un a des poblème pour son passport/visa)

- You go to a non-YWAM retreat and you think it's weird you don't have meal prep and clean-up.

- You know how to ENCODE emails written in Muslim or Communists countries so that it doesn't sound Christian.

- You think of calling a (YWAM) friend, but don't know what continent they are on.

- On your birthday you know to expect a construction paper card signed by everyone at the base.

- You have an unspoken bond with anyone and everyone who has done a DTS.

- You leave with a total non-denominational view of Christianity and get really annoyed over petty Christian bickering.

- One week you can't afford to buy coffee, the next week you're in another country on outreach.

- The leaders of the organisation have time for you personally and you don't have to put them on a pedestal.

- Stuffing 10 people in the truck bed on outreach is THE way to travel

- You're no longer surprised at money turning up randomly and anonymously, just in the nick of time.

- You can ride in the most dilapidated vehicles or sleep in the most dilapidated rooms and it's all just part of life

- You know you're a YWAMer when you can say "base food" and everyone knows what you're talking about.

- You randomly find foreign currency in your pockets.
(Quand tu trouve aléatoirement de la monnaie etrangère dans ta poche) Comme Frs, Euro et $

- Your primary ways of communicating with your best friends are internet-related (e-mail, Skype, Facebook etc).
(Quand le meilleure moyen de communiquer avec tes amis et email, skype, facebook, msn, ...)

- You still live out of your suitcase for months after returning home

- Your love life becomes international news

- You carry a backpack everywhere and could probably live out of it for a couple weeks

- You ride in a white 12-seater van daily
(Quand tu roule dans un van 12 places blanc) pas blanc ton mon cas...

Tout m'a bien fait rire! Et ça vous donne une idée de la vie de base d'un YWAMers!

2 commentaires:

aline a dit…

heu.. I think i'm definitly a YWAMer.. ohoh! a real true one!

c'est trop excellent et tellement vrai! par expérience je peux dire que la plupart de ce qui est écrit je le vis ou je l'ai vécu!!!! même le coup du visa dans l'aéroport ou dormir n'importe ou alors le coup du 15 dans mini bus, ça je connait bien mais alors trèèèès bien!
trop bargo..

jo, tu as entendu parler de Dean Sherman?? je l'ai eu comme speacker! il est trop excellent c'est tout a fait brai ce qui est dit sur lui.. la phrase est une de ces phrase favorite quand il parle de relation (topic de ma semaine)! je peux te la réciter par cœur! lol!!!

je t'aime mon YWAMer chéri

aline a dit…

heu je me dois d'ajouter que je ne suis pas américaine, comme tu le sais, mais que le coup du peanut butter pourrait bien ma'rriver si j'en avais pas deja une tonne ici!

je suis une accro du peanut butter!!!
dans mon école j'en mangeai matin et soir!!!